Terms and Conditions

Used Item Deals – Vendor Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Used Item Deals.com, a marketplace connecting buyers and sellers of used items. By registering as a vendor on our platform, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:

1. Product Listings

* Accurately describe your products, including their condition, any defects, and all relevant details. * Use clear and high-quality images. * Set fair and competitive prices. * Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

2. Order Fulfillment

* Process and ship orders promptly. * Package items securely to prevent damage during shipping. * Provide accurate tracking information to buyers. * Communicate with buyers proactively regarding order status and any potential delays.

3. Returns and Refunds

* All sales are final. Used items are non-returnable, and no refunds will be issued except in exceptional circumstances as determined by Used Item Deals.com. * Clearly state your return and refund policy (or lack thereof) on your vendor profile and product listings. * Advise buyers to “think before you buy” as all sales are final.

4. Shipping

* Offer reasonable and competitive shipping rates. * Clearly display shipping methods and estimated delivery times. * Used Item Deals.com is not responsible for any shipping or shipping-related issues or complaints. * Vendors are responsible for resolving any shipping issues directly with buyers.

5. Liability

* Used Item Deals.com acts as a platform connecting buyers and sellers. We are not directly involved in transactions between vendors and buyers. * Vendors are responsible for their interactions with buyers and for resolving any disputes or issues that may arise. * Used Item Deals.com is not liable for any losses, damages, or disputes arising from transactions between vendors and buyers.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at: support@mumbaities.com

By continuing to use Used Item Deals.com as a vendor, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.

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